Since the day I started my work, every weekday @ the evening I see the sunset view @ Weligama on my way to Galle from Matara.Each time I see it I wish if I can stop for a while n capture it on my camera.Finally I made it!!! These pictures are captured on my phone camera while I am on my on my way home.
I am not a good photographer I'm new to this subject but I like it ;-)
So I thought of sharing my thoughts and activities in photography in my blog too ^_^

There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are
-Ernst Haas-

its amazing shots anjala...actually..i always go to da watch the it makes me feel soooo will wash away all my pain...
really nice natural... keep it up... :)
@Pramod - Thanks for the comment Pramod :')
Yeah me too really love the sea,beach n sunset.I would love to lay on the beach & hear the sound of wave,Smell those scents it makes me feel alive & forget almost every trouble in my life.Even though I am living in Galle I barely get a chance to go there bt I see the beautiful beach n sunset@ Weligama in most of the evening on my way to Galle & wish if I could stop there for a while. :)
yeah.. angela..u have a great taste..ur own style..ur own way..its good..and ur talent is superb....i like ur taste n ur really good meaingful im also seeking this sort of good im also write poems..and i wish you all da best.... good luck..!!!!! :)
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