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අපි හදවතින්ම ශ්රී ලාංකිකයි :)

Dear Sanga, We Need Your Captaincy
To Bring Back The Cup & The Glory
Again in 2015 World Cup...!
Indian team won only the world cup but our team won the +20 millions people's hearts.Even you guys lose two consecutive WC Finals we never blame you or treat you with stones.Stop making perfect team breaking into pieces.Plz don't quit the captaincy we need you to bring the cup home in 2015 .Yes we can do it, If you remain with the team as the captain.Millions Of people from So many countries who know the TRUE meaning of "Cricket" admires you in many ways.cricket, after all is a game. All that matters is that the game is played well and in its true spirit.Don't leave the captaincy If you did so, we have to build the whole thing again, The team is on better hands with you. We came a long way through the world cup as a proud nation.No matter what we can still proud of our team they managed to give a tough game till the end. Either we Win or Lose we still Love our Cricket team for their good performance through out the world cup. All those achievements only because of your clever captaincy and dedication and commitment of the team members.
Its true that we Sri Lankans sheded tears when you guys lose the world cup its because we saw the pain and disappointment inside you guy's eyes and it made all the sri lankans cry. You are an exemplary captain to the whole world you showed how to play cricket as the way of the gentlment and you were even humble in defeat and even gave credit to India.you made us to taste the victory of every match at your best.The nation owe the SL Team a debt of gratitude for the prestige you guys brought to this small miracle in Asia.
.Success is never permanent,failure is never final.so don't stop effort until our victory makes a history.we are with you Sanga. So Please, remain in captaincy until 2015 in the sake of the people who love you and love the cricket Forever. Lions,Lets bring the cup home in 2015 for sure fingers crossed x :)